Frank M. Pannier - Chicago Abstract Artist

From the series "Symmetrical Paintings for Mary" (thirteen paintings)
Exhibited Zriny-Hayes Gallery
Chicago, Illinois - 1979
Pannier collection
latex, wood, compound, canvas - 96 x 192 inches

From the series "Symmetrical Paintings for Mary" (thirteen paintings) Exhibited Zriny-Hayes Gallery Chicago, Illinois - 1979 Hangs at "Blackies", 755 S Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois latex, wood, canvas - 96 x 120 inches

From the series "Symmetrical Paintings for Mary" (thirteen paintings) Exhibited Zriny-Hayes Gallery Chicago, Illinois - 1979 Partial Installation View Exhibited Scarfone Gallery Tampa, Florida - 1984 latex, wood, compound, canvas - 65 x 66 inches

From the series "Symmetrical Paintings for Mary" (thirteen paintings) Exhibited Zriny-Hayes Gallery Chicago, Illinois - 1979 latex, wood, compound, canvas - 65 x 66 inches

From the series "Symmetrical Paintings for Mary" (thirteen paintings) Exhibited Zriny-Hayes Gallery Chicago, Illinois - 1979 latex, wood, compound, canvas - 48" x 48" inches